Cookeville Spring Real Estate Rush Starts Early This Year!

Cookeville Spring Real Estate Rush Starts Early This Year!

For a Realtor® who blogs daily, I've certainly been missing in action this week haven't I?  I apologize for my tardy behavior, but the Cookeville spring real estate rush came in like a tidal wave this week.  I've worked at least 12 hours every day this week just trying to keep up!


I can't help but feel this week should be noteworthy to anyone thinking of selling their home in Cookeville. With the market roaring to life this week, it's probably a good time to list your house if you plan to sell this year.  The spring real estate rush usually doesn't start until mid March, but I think the sudden break in the weather has people getting started earlier than usual. 

I'm also noticing that people aren't just "looking" this year. Almost every buyer who's contacted me this week is serious about buying this spring. A surprising number have already pre-qualified before ever calling me. I don't see the hesitancy about entering the real estate market that I saw last spring.

The bottom line is that if you plan to sell your house this year, you should be listing NOW!  By listing your house now, you will be a full month ahead of most sellers in the Cookeville real estate market. You will also have a better chance to sell right now because the available inventory of houses is low. Many sellers have been hesitant to list because the market has been so rough. Buyers in the market right now don't have a lot to look at! Given the number of serious buyers who are already shopping, the decision to list now could be extremely beneficial for the savvy seller.


I will end today's blog with a prediction for this year's real estate market:

Houses with acreage will be HOT this year! The volatility in the financial markets and the inflation in commodities have buyers searching for acreage. They want at least 5 acres - room enough for a garden and a chicken coop. If the property has a barn, pond, or creek - All the better!



Virginia Kail


Cookeville TN native. A full time, full service agent for the entire Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee.

931-260-4729 cell

American Way Real Estate Co.

931-526-9581 Office phone, 931-528-6569 Office Fax

Cookeville real estate

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