Maria Faro
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Maria Faro
(C) (615) 559-2284

Hello! I'm Maria. I moved to the Upper Cumberland area in 2015 when I chose Tennessee Tech as my new school. I never would've dreamed almost a decade later I would still be living here and loving my life in Cookeville. 

Last year I moved away and decided to pursue other avenues in my life. I very quickly realized I had made a mistake. I spent the next year of my life doing whatever I had to do to make it back to the area that had claimed me as home; Cookeville. 

With this new lease on life, I have even more passion and drive to help anyone around me, whether that be related to their real estate needs or in other areas of their lives. My goal in life is to be joyful and positive and to take as many people with me on my journey as possible. Life is always going to be hard but the way we perceive it can have a dramatic effect on whether or not we enjoy it. 

I look forward to helping you with your real estate needs and showing you the area that I've grown to love so dearly.