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CMAS Expert Panel - Avoiding and Solving Most Common Pitfalls in Foothills Transactions:
Hear the local pros discuss some of the biggest differences between selling mountain properties vs selling urban properties and how they resolve these issues. What are some of the most important issues causing pitfalls in real estate transactions in our area in particular? Bring your questions for these MMAR experts! The moderator for the class will be Cathie Nicholson. 2CE Elective. New DORA Zoom Guidelines for class attendees: In order to receive continuing education credit for the course, faces must be visible on camera, and they must be attentive for the entire course. Any multi-tasking, driving, talking off camera, tech issues, etc., may disqualify them from receiving credit.
Please note: Zoom link for all classeso will go out 5 pm the day before, when registration closes. No refunds for any class once class has begun.