2021 Mock Closing Lunch & Learn 5.11
Education Course
(Please note: Zoom link for all classes will go out 5 pm the day before, when registration closes.)

Mock Closing Class
Become a Rockstar in your clients eyes by learning the documents presented at the closing tableJoin us for this lively and informative class where you'll see what should unfold in a typical real estate closing.

Laura Roberts
AVP / Sales Executive
Chicago Title of Colorado, Inc. 
Cell  720.648.3039
Evergreen - 32065 Castle Court, Suite 200, Evergreen, CO 80439
Office 303.670.8523 | Fax 303.633.7781
Lakewood - 300 Union Blvd., #110, Lakewood, CO 80228
Office 303-988-2121 | Fax 303.633.7782
5/11/2021 11:00:00 AM to 5/11/2021 12:00:00 PM
Online via Zoom
Debbie Propeck
(303) 674-7020
Click here to obtain User Name and Password.
(Note: Once you obtain a User Name and Password, you do not need to click here in the future. Simply click on the Member Login hyperlink and enter your User Name and Password.)

Instructor Information

Laura Roberts, Chicago Title