2021 CMAS Living With Wildlife and Colorado Law 5.12 Elective
Education Course
(Please note: Zoom link for all classes will go out 5 pm the day before, when registration closes. No refunds for any class once class has begun.) 

Learn about the history of wildlife in the mountains, managing sustainable wildlife populations, research realted to wildlife managment, and providing hunting and fishing opportunities. Learn about bear and mountain lion conflicts related to residents in the mountain communities, attractants around homes for bears, and Colorado laws regarding feeding issues. Also discussed will be mitigation options for bear and lion conflicts, assistance with recovery of threatened and endangered species, and Colorado law regarding hunting on private property. See below for Instructor and Sponsor information:

Scott Murdoch
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Wildlife Officer/District Wildlife Manager - Conifer - Area 1
P 303.514.4998 
6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216
Other Phone Numbers:
Northeast Region Office: 303.291.7227 
CSP Dispatch: 303.239.4501 
Operation Game Thief: 1.877.COLO.OGT
Tom Carby
Carby Insurance Agency, LLC
(303) 674-2181
28055 Hwy 74, #201
Evergreen, CO 80439

Sponsored by Tom Carby, Carby Insurance Agency LLC
5/12/2021 10:00:00 AM to 5/12/2021 12:00:00 PM
Online via Zoom
Debbie Propeck, MMAR CEO
(303) 674-7020
Click here to obtain User Name and Password.
(Note: Once you obtain a User Name and Password, you do not need to click here in the future. Simply click on the Member Login hyperlink and enter your User Name and Password.)

Instructor Information

Scott Murdoch

Wildlife Officer/District Wildlife Manager