2020 Title Insurance Claims 2.06 (Canceled due to lack of interest)
Education Course
This class is geared for real estate agents who are curious about the world of title claims, and learning how to anticipate and navigate around potential bumps in the road that could lead to title insurance claims. We will review some real estate title insurance claims, the limitations in the claims process, and some helpful tips on how to anticipate and avoid claims in the future.
Sponsored by Jeanne Dobbin, Land Title
2/6/2020 2:00:00 PM to 2/6/2020 4:00:00 PM
Evergreen Lutheran Church
5980 Hwy 73  Evergreen ,CO 80439
Debbie Propeck
(303) 674-7020
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Instructor Information

Brianna Dowling, Atty - Land Title