Tips for Selling Your Home (How to Get an Offer)

The process of selling your home can be an emotional and exhausting process. There are many things you will need to do in preparation of placing your home on the selling market. By following some simple guidelines, selling your home can be a more enjoyable and smoother process.

1. Price it right. If you want to sell your home quickly, set a price at the lower end of your property's realistic price range (and be willing to negotiate).

Some factors to consider when setting a price for your home:

· Economic conditions of your community

· The supply and demand ratio in your local housing market

· The location of your property (school districts and subdivisions)

· Your home's special features (garage, pool, fireplace, in-law or guest quarters)

· The age and condition of your home

· Seasonal influences (the housing market may be stronger during certain times of the year).

2. Be flexible about showings. It's often disruptive to have a house ready to show at the spur of the moment. But the more amenable you can be about letting people see your home, the sooner you'll find a buyer.

3. Anticipate the offers. Decide in advance what price and terms you'll find acceptable.

4. Don't refuse to drop the price. If your home has been on the market for more than 30 days without an offer, you should be prepared to at least consider lowering your asking price.

5. Prepare for visitors!
Get your house market ready at least two weeks before you begin showing it.

Below is a list of things you can do to increase the value of your home:

Consider Curb Appeal:

It is estimated that more than 50% of homes are sold before the buyers even get out of their cars. Stand across the street from your house and review the curb appeal.

· Keep the lawn mowed and raked, shrubs trimmed, and the sidewalk swept.

· Plant shrubs or install fencing to block unpleasant views.

· Clean the exterior of your home. Clean oil stains from the driveway and garage.

· Repair and/or paint exterior siding, trim, gutters, shutters, glazing, and window frames.

· Repair or replace the street numbers on the house.

· Make sure all exterior lighting is working.

Garages, Carports, and Sheds:

· Replace burned out lights.

· Clear away cobwebs.

· Keep areas clean and uncluttered. Organize and put away tools.

· Lubricate, adjust, or repair garage door.

Interior Maintenance:

On the inside, remove as much clutter as possible. Hire professionals to do a deep cleaning. Cleanliness is a sign to buyers that the home has been well cared for.

· Clean and vacuum carpets. Replace worn carpet and use area rugs as needed.

· Apply a fresh coat of paint.

· Wash curtains and draperies.

· Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures. Check for cobwebs in all corners.

· Clean and organize all closets and cabinets.

· Lubricate window slides; make sure doors close smoothly.

Kitchens and Bathrooms:

Overall, kitchens and bathrooms should be spotless. These two rooms alone can sell a home.

· Clean all appliances inside and out.

· Replace all light bulbs (appliances included).

· Clean floors and light fixtures.

· Deodorize disposal, dishwasher, and refrigerator. Neutralize odors and clean all mold and mildew.

· Repair leaky faucets. Make sure toilet flushes properly.

· Test all electrical outlets.

· Unclutter counters and cabinets.

· Clean shower door or replace curtain. Remove soap residue and lime deposits from sink, shower, and bathtub.

· Put out fresh towels.

Create a Pleasant Atmosphere:

Overall, make sure your home exudes an inviting atmosphere. You want the potential buyer to have a pleasant experience visiting your home so that they remember the positive attributes that your home possesses.

· Turn on all lights. Open drapes to allow natural light as well.

· Light candles and put out fresh flowers.

· Play quiet background music.

· Turn on the air conditioner or heater so that your home is at a pleasant temperature.

· Be absent during showings and keep pets outside.

There are many minor things you can do to your home to enhance its marketability. The potential buyer needs to be able to envision their furnishings in your home.  Remember, you want your home to make a great first impression to a potential buyer!

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