Dateline: March 5, 2018 

Welcome to !!

Please do not be too frustrated with Midland, TX.  As much as we would like to have something for everyone, oil is King in the world of industry. That means, we're busy. We all wish things were a little more sane, but get ready for busy times!

Words of Advice: When looking for a rental property - 1) Get an Applicaiton and Fill it out.  You don't want to waste time filling out an application anyone and everyone will be asking for. Get that done and hold it for when you find the right house.  2) Don't apply everywhere.  Not everyone will have a vacancy coming up, or maybe they have multiple applicatoins coming in. Apply for the one you want, but ask questions to see if you are in the running.  3) Ask Questions! "Does this owner allow pets? Is there a credit score minimum? How soon can I move in? How long will the lease be? Can you do more or less? What restrictions are there? Is this in an HOA and if so, any dues?"  Ask these things up front, it may determine if you are even interested.

Find an agent willing to work with you. Make effective use of your time: don't be late or cancel if you can help it. If you need to cancel, do it before they make the trip to the house. Loyalty is still a good thing, and if you will help your agent, they will help you! And use the internet. But beware of sites like Zillow and Trulia. They are subject to inaccuracies as much or more than anyone. Always call the office to confirm the informaiton.